Here's some info on Foxie
Proud Owner: Sue
I adopted Foxie through Partnership for Animal Welfare. I first saw her at PAW's Bowie adoption event and immediately put in an application to adopt her. The foster parent (I can't remember her name) came out the next week to inspect my home and by December 16, 1999 I was headed to Hyattsville Animal Hospital to pick her up.
No one knew anything of Foxie's past -- including her parentage. As you can see from the photo, she is a very unusual looking dog; I am always getting asked, "What kind of dog is she?" The vet thinks she is part Dalmatian, part Beagle, part Jack Russell but the truth is I don't care what she is or where she came from I only know she has brought great love to my life.
Since adopting Foxie, we have gone to two stages of Greenbelt Dog Training; earned her the AKC Canine Good Citizen certification and recently completed the basic level of agility training. Foxie is a very spoiled dog -- with a bed on every floor of my home and goes almost everywhere with me. In fact we just went to the Bay Sox's baseball game on the "take your dog to the ballpark" night.
My friends say they want to come back as my pet since she is treated so royally. But if the truth be known, she gives to me in immeasurable ways -- no amount of materialistic things could make up for the bond we have. Now don't get me wrong -- while Foxie obviously loves me she would leave me in a second for the opportunity to chase a squirrel! So, given her propensity to run away I have had her "chipped" and tattooed!
Thank you for all Greenbelt Dog Training does to help us owners be better owners and for stressing the importance of adoption -- it was the best thing I ever did!